Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Would You Eat That? April Subscription Box

Japan does a lot of things right. Public transportation, making the most of crowded cities, and adapting to the earthquakes that occasionally rock the island, to name a few. (These are all things that I'll blog about eventually). One other thing that Japan does right is chocolate covered snacks. In this month's subscription box, I got two different chocolate snacks and both of them were to-die-for.

Over the last couple of mouths, there have been some pretty weird things in these sub boxes, most of which I haven't blogged about yet. But some examples are the pocky sticks that were supposed to taste like potatoes, the huge curry flavored cheeto, and a few suckers that had no flavor at all. So, needless to say, I'm always a little leery to try a new snack. I'm always prepared for them to be strange or taste weird so having two good snacks in a row was a pleasant surprise.

On the left is the Chocolate Umaibo. Advertised as a stick of puffed corn coated in milk chocolate, it's as delicious as it sounds. After the first bite, the creamy chocolate begins to melt in your month. The sweet chocolate is complimented perfectly by the crispy puffed corn and the two kind of blend together to create a wonderful creamy, crunchy snack. The one downside to this sweet treat is the size it comes in. While it's a little hard to tell in the picture, the actual snack is only about three inches long. The treat is so good that it disappears fast and leaves you wanting more.  

And on the right is the Chocolate Waffle, from Uncle Daniel. I have no idea who Uncle Daniel is but he has made one wonderful waffle. Similar in taste to the Chocolate Umaibo, this snack is basically a miniature puffed core waffle covered generously with Japanese chocolate. I say Japanese chocolate because it is definitely not American chocolate. American chocolate is always very sweet and saturated with sugar but this Japanese chocolate is more savory. I've noticed that about Japanese foods - that even if they're advertised as sweet treats they will most likely be semi-savory. But even savory the Chocolate Waffle is a great treat and I would eat it again. 

What will I eat next?

Freedom Japanese Market 

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