Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Prayer for Japan

Dear Heavenly Father...

This holiday season, I and others like me would like to lift up the country of Japan to you. Taking up the prayer that many before us have prayed, hear our words and work your will through them. You are the author of all things, your hand has carried every human being who ever walked the earth, your awesome power is unknowable and yet comforting, and your heart is ever working for our good. 

Father God...

You have made Japan a mighty nation with a culture and atmosphere unmatched anywhere else on earth; the land is filled with millions of people, young and old, powerful and lowly, believer and unbeliever. Father God, you have showered Japan with many blessings over the years. You have given it prosperity and wealth that has benefitted all of its people to an amazing degree. You have given the people sharp minds and a determined work ethic that has enabled them to stand at the forefront of modern innovation and technology. Tokyo is not easily dwarfed by other cities; its buildings stand tall and secure and a testament to Japan's might. 

The Japanese people are beautiful and unique. They cherish their ancient culture and work tirelessly to preserve their customs, beliefs, and way of life even as older generations pass away and younger ones take their place. A deep national pride keeps them strong and determined to show the world over and over again that they are a force to be reckoned with. 

You have given the Japanese people an incredible affinity for spirituality. Endlessly devoted the the pursuit of knowledge and an inner peace that many would admit can't be found in a fast-paced corporate world, the Japanese, even those who are not particularly "religious," go to great pains to discover the meaning of their lives on this earth. They want to know what life is all about, they want to know a life far beyond the modern one they all know. Hampered by human understanding and side-tracked by earthly items that they put value on, the Japanese continually fall short of the answers to their ever-pressing questions. 

Dear Lord, be the answer they so whole-heartedly seek, redirect their earnest seeking towards you in a mighty way, show them wonders beyond anything that their modern society can explain. Create meaning in their lives where there previously was none, speak in each of their hearts in a calm, secret voice that is new and yet utterly familiar. Call them back to you as a father calls back his wayward child. Bring them to their knees in prayer as their minds swim with the awesomeness of your being.

Lift up your children in Japan this holiday season. Hear their prayers and guide their hearts ever more towards you. Dry what tears may fall, laugh with them in their joy, and stir the feeling of your spirit in all their souls to the point where they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are with them. Bring them into your kingdom so that they might join the ranks or "every tribe and every nation." Let your love for them shine out all the clearer. 

Their hearts and minds are waiting Lord; answer them...

"After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands..." 
(Revelation 7:9)

Photo Credit: Pinterest
Prayercast: Japan

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